Friday, July 24, 2009

Talked to Sasha

I finally got a text from Sasha last week and he said, "momma call me." So of course I called and we were able to talk for awhile. The first time since May! I was very excited and so was he. I have tried calling a few other times but I only get a busy signal. 

We have never heard back from our facilitator in Ukraine, so at this point we are at a real stand still as to finding someone to help Sasha on the Ukraine side. 

I received a call from immigration and our approval should be on its way, however it's not going to do us any good since we have been told Sasha doesn't even have paperwork to travel much less be eligible for adoption. 

My heart breaks for him, yet I remain with hope that good things will come out of all of this somehow through God's grace and mercy!   

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bad News!

We received news awhile back that we are not going to be able to have Sasha for any of the summer break. We are so sad that we will not be able to see him this summer. He said he was able to go to a summer camp since he could not come for the hosting program. He is such an awesome young man who has a great out look on things. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Time to go & a Time to wait!

Monday morning came and we had to pack Sasha up and get him ready to go back. We were all feeling the sadness. As the driver left, we walked back in the apartment and everyone was quiet. James and I were fighting back the tears, while Meiki and Jaid tried to consul us. They would say, "It's going to be ok, we will see him again soon and he'll get to come home with us!" Of course not really understanding the process. Yet, now as I write I am reminded to stop and think, to have faith as a child is to trust without worry! Oops...forgive me Lord, I messed up again.

My first response was, "It's just not fair-The system that is!" We want our son to come home with us, but with all the news we received about the process and how either some people don't want to do the work, or it's to complicated or the fact that it is just flat not getting done, we were devastated. Of course we couldn't have anything easy. We are being told at least a year! 

Therefore, we are praying our little hearts out that something miraculous will happen to advance this process quickly for his sake and ours. Now I must ask myself, what was I thinking?We serve a Great God who knows all things and has a good plan for each of us. And though, we may not understand, by faith we can trust He will work all things out for our good for those who love Him. He is in Control!

We will have Sasha for part of the summer, yet still unsure of the dates at this point. Our hope is to have him for the long summer break June to August, but if the people on his behalf do not get their job done for him we will only to get him for the short break, which is in August. 

We will press on and press in through faith, prayer and diligence as we seek to bring home the son that God has delivered to us. Now, is a time of labor. Soon will come the delivery, when all this waiting will be just a memory. Our son will be home with us and the life journey will continue as we grow together. 

For this I am grateful, not because all things should go our way, nor that it will be easy, but for the privilege of walking this path in faith knowing that we have been chosen for such a time as this for a purpose beyond ourselves and an opportunity to grow in faith, wisdom and stature. I pray for wisdom, strength, protection and perfect provision along the way!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Next Four Days

Well, we spent the next four days soaking up Sasha and the city of Donetsk. 

As I was waking up, in came Jaid and Sasha. Jaid gave me loves and then Sasha gave me a big hug and said, "Good morning mama." I melted to say the least!

We all got up and as we were stirring around James began to cook ham eggs. Sasha jumped up and asked, "You teach me to cook this?" James was delighted! So the two of them not only made ham and eggs for breakfast, but I think we must have eaten it for at least 4 or 5 meals. Or until I thought we were all going to turn in to ham and eggs. 

James, the sweet man he is, decided to try and make some instant coffee. When I looked up in the kitchen as he was choking and asked what's wrong he stated, "OH, my goodness I think I'm going to be sick." So, I ask what's wrong? He then informed me that he put two teaspoons of sugar in my coffee and decided to taste it before giving it to me. Well, since everything is written in Russian, what he thought was sugar was actually salt. Needless to say the instant coffee didn't workout so well. 

Of course that meant we had to go on a hunt for coffee. We found a little pizza place right around the corner and they served coffee. This became our favorite hangout. I think it was the next morning we were there first thing and had Pizza and coffee for breakfast. Breakfast of champions or tourist...hahaha! Jaid had to go to the bathroom so James went with him. They were back within a minute. James looked at me and said, "Jaid said he doesn't have to go that bad." Ok, so what does that mean, I asked. He said, "Well, there is a step with a hole in the floor with two foot prints on each side." Jaid's look was priceless!

We walked around the city, found a McDonald's - menu in Russian. How fun and challenging! I was testing my language skills everywhere I turned. I need more practice, that's for sure! There was a market set up in the streets (about 4 blocks) so we hung out walking through and checking everything out. Shopping is awesome there, James lucked out because we packed to much that I could take anything home - no room, shucks.   

We also found an entertainment center in a mall a few blocks away from where we were staying so, we had to go there at least three days. The boys LOVED it! Ok, but a few funny things happened. First, I had to use the restroom really bad. I walked around trying to read signs and figure out where they were to begin with. Then I found two, one for boys and one for girls. Relieved I went in and if I didn't have to go so bad I would have left laughing my head off, but the joke was on me. They weren't kidding about it being a girls bathroom as the toilet only stood up to my knees and the seat was the size of a 'little' girls bottom...hahaha! If that's not funny then how about this? 

One of the days at the entertainment center aka James' favorite coffee place, I told James it was his turn to go up and order so after repeating at least 3 times what he needed to say to order 2 coffees and 1 water. He came back with a puzzled look on his face, after about ten minutes. When I asked, how did it go? He looked at me with 'the look' and quickly said, "THAT WAS A TRAIN WRECK!" Forgive me, but I am still laughing - my poor husband, I know I should be laughing as Meiki just informed me - at his pain...oops, I'm so bad! Anyway, he tried to explain, but all he could say was I have no idea what the heck I did wrong, but they were all yelling at me and mad. He went on to say, I am NOT ordering again!

Thank God he took Meiki and I, but the truth is he kept Sasha at his side!

(Stay tuned)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First night with Sasha

Ok, so after we got Sasha and went back to the apartment, I left James with the boys and Angelina took me back to the airport to pick up our luggage. When we arrived everything appeared to be closed. We went from one room to another and then finally was told to wait. Thank God I had Angelina, because no one spoke English and the conversation was 100 miles per hour and very abrupt! Angelina explained you must be a little aggressive or they will pay no attention to you.  About 20 minutes later the lady came out and took us to a storage closet and BINGO OUR LUGGAGE! I don't think I have ever been so happy to see luggage, but after about three days in the same closes, no tooth brush or anything else I was singing praise!

When I arrived back at the apartment the boys were wrestling with 'papa' and they had a great time playing dog pile on papa. I went to the room to unpack the wrapping paper and presents we brought for Sasha's birthday. As I was wrapping, Sasha come in to check on me and said, "Oops" then went back to the living room. Jaid and Meiki give him his presents and he was very excited! He got a handheld video recorder, a digital keychain photo frame, some King cologne and a wooden chess and checker board. 

The boys played on the computer taking funny pictures and making videos and laughed. They played chess until Meiki got tired of losing. Then Sasha had to play papa and beat him too. He is very good at chess. Later, Meiki decided he needed to teach me how to play so he could win...haha! I must say he was a great teacher. Then I showed Sasha the Spanish program on the computer and he was hooked on that off and on for the rest of the time. He loves to learn different languages. He speaks Russian, some Ukrainian, Italian and English and now learning Spanish. 

We had to have an extra mattress brought over for Sasha to sleep on so once it finally arrived we made beds, started the numbering system for the showers and off to bed. Of course the boys spent the next hour giggling. Oh, and it was FREEZING COLD and there was no heat in the place. We all used every blanket available and I ended up sleeping in socks, sweats, two shirts and a sweatshirt. We had two heavy blankets and we still froze. WOW, and it was supposed to be spring. 

(Stay tuned) 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We have Arrived

We finally arrived at our apartment close to midnight Ukraine time (8 hours ahead). We all decided to go in and try to get some sleep. I was awake at 2 am and spent the next 2 hours in prayer and then got up and went to the living room to read. I just couldn't sleep. 

Angelina came with a driver the next day to pick us up and go see Sasha after school. As we arrived many of the kids were playing outside and they all stopped to come and see who it was. We got out and didn't see Sasha, but by the time we made it to the front steps he came running out the door to greet us. We hugged and hugged and hugged some more. Then went in to meet with Nina to discuss the situation, needs she has for the facility and the process of adopting Sasha. He then took us for the tour and showed us everything! 

We loaded up and went to the market to buy supplies and food for the week. Sasha had no problem taking charge and picking out things he wanted, things like a chocolate bar, honey, fruit, milk ect. Sasha also had to help me understand the total of  'Greevnas' (money) the cashier was saying, the lady spoke very quiet and fast and I noticed no one smiles. Then off we went back to the apartment. 

(Stay tuned for more) 
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ukraine Adventure

Wow, what an amazing adventure!
I'll try to make it short and sweet, but no guarantees...haha!

We left on Monday, April 20th and traveled to Chicago then Munich then Kiev and then arrived in Donetsk Ukraine on Tuesday the 21st at 10:20 pm. I only had time to send a quick email before we left to Angelina in hopes she would get our date changes, flight information and our need for reservations on a place to stay. I did receive an email before we had to shut our phones off that said she would be there at 10:20 to pick us up. (Relief!)

When we arrived in Kiev Ukraine we had a few hours of layover and first thing we were told was all our luggage was send to the wrong place and it would arrive in Kiev (1) hour after our flight to Donetsk (OH GREAT!) So we got it worked out that it would be shipped to Donetsk and they 'hoped' by the next day. To top it off it was freezing cold and all our warm clothes were in the luggage, of coarse. So we snuggled up on the chairs, drank hot coffee and waited. James began visiting with some fellow Americans (the only other ones) and the mother gave us a blank after learning about our lost luggage. 

Finally, we got to Donetsk airport and before we knew it we were the only ones left standing as we were waiting for Angelina. A taxi driver tried to communicate with us that he would take us to a hotel and we begin to realize no one around spoke any English and my Russian is still very elementary. We told him we'll wait a little while longer. As we headed outside and he began to load our luggage in his taxi, Angelina arrived. Thank God, because we had no clue where to go, nor any source of communication. (WHOO that was a close one!)

What a beginning to a great adventure!
(More to come soon!)